Group picture holding the Guiness award.



ToroVerde and Guinness World Records Present a Collaborative Agreement for New Attraction in Bayamon’s Parque de las Ciencias

Nov 2023


The municipality of Bayamon will have an innovative attraction where visitors can have fun and experiment new emotions while enriching their knowledge. Its approach is to boost the quality of unique experiences in technology and education, while focusing on elevating knowledge and amusement.

The proposed strategy in the park’s operating model is to keep its roots and history intact, while introducing state-of-the-art technological advances. It will provide enjoyment for the whole family but will also include a different concept for night activities.

This adventure will take place in Parque de las Ciencias Luis A. Ferre by ToroVerde, when it reopens in April 2024. The renovated facilities will also offer updated experiences for its local visitors and tourists. Its new interactive world-class attraction Galeria Guiness World Records (GWR) will be installed by a renowned organization recognized as the global authority on world records. Visitors will have the opportunity to participate to obtain an official GWR record.

Galeria GWR will allow visitors to discover their world through an auditive tour by GWRs’ experts. It will include interviews with people with world records to determine their profound knowledge on these incredible deeds. They could also be part of an attempt to break the official GWR for the paint-by-numbers drawing.

It is expected that the reopening of the park will be another step towards strengthening tourism in the region. Its unique approach modeled by the ToroVerde brand, and exceptional and innovative world-class offering are expected to be a magnet to visit and explore the zone. It is also expected to distinguish and position Puerto Rico as an iconic tourism destination.

Parque de las Ciencias Luis A Ferre was inaugurated in September 1988. It immediately became a sensation given its singular approach on learning sciences while having fun. Damages caused by hurricanes Irma and María in September 2017 caused its closing almost three decades after it was opened. It will now have a new life in 2024 after a six-year hiatus.

Picture caption: From left to right: Xavier Colón, Sylvia Rivera, Enrique Fiqueroa, Ralph Hanna, Jorge Jorge, Jorge A Jorge, Walbert Pabón, Solenil Matos, Raquel Marin, Katherine Otero and Janet Pagán.